Charleston Apartment Association
Legislative Pulse
Legislative Pulse
The CAA Legislative Pulse is a monthly newsletter designed to keep Charleston Apartment Association members abreast of topical political news impacting the industry. The CAA Legislative Pulse is released to members the fourth Tuesday of each month.
April 22, 2014
to NAA's Political Action Committee (NAAPAC) is a critical element in
industry advocacy. Your donation sends a strong message about your
business needs and priorities to congressional candidates. It
also ensures that NAA has the necessary funds to keep multifamily
rental housing issues in the forefront of the public policy process on
Capitol Hill. NAAPAC is an essential arm of NAA's
government affairs program. It backs congressional candidates who are
open to the apartment industry's views on issues crucial to your business, employees and the industry at large.
Please visit NAA's donation site by clicking here.
What is PAC? Click here for more.
PAC facts. Click here for more.
PAC Donation to Senator Tim Scott
In March the Charleston Apartment Association had the pleasure of presenting Senator Tim Scott with a PAC fair share check from funds raised in 2013. Donations like these enable our voices to be heard and pave the way for political leaders to advocate for the local and national industry. |