2016 SCAA Legislative Day
April 13, 2016
Mark your calendar for April 13,
when SCAA will host the 9th Annual Legislative Day in Columbia. A
legislative program and overview of current legislation affecting the
multi-family housing industry. More details to come soon from SCAA.
Please join us and Let Your Voice Be Heard.
National Apartment Association Capitol Conference and Lobby Day
Every Member Counts: Strive for 535
The apartment industry's national advocacy event has its largest goal ever: Reach all 535 Congressional offices on Lobby Day (March 9)!
you're a veteran or it's your first time, your voice is needed to be a
part of the largest contingent ever of apartment associations across
U.S. to advocate on Capitol Hill during Lobby Day.
prepare for this historic event, learn how to enhance your advocacy
skills, find out the critical issues facing the industry, and hear from
former U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL), host of MSNBC's Morning Joe,
during NAA Capitol Conference (March 8).
Then head to Capitol Hill the following day to make history! Why is Lobby Day important, click here: http://capitol-naa.naahq.org/ lobby-day-capitol-conference
Federal Issues for 2016 Lobby day in Washington DC:
- ADA Right to Cure: asking to support legislation that provides a business owner with the opportunity to cure an alleged ADA deficiency prior to the initiation of a lawsuit.
- Section 8 Reform: asking support legislation reforming the Section 8 program, including the contract term, property inspections, tenant screening and funding stream.
- National Flood Insurance Program Reform and Reauthorization: asking support legislation reforming the NFIP and providing for long-term reauthorization of the program before it expires in September 2017.
NAA Legislative and Regulatory Update
Issues around the nation: - In Tennessee, an inclusionary housing policy
- In Kentucky, expansion of protected classes where they are commingling classes, i.e., domestic violence with sex offenders or gender identification with military status
- In New Jersey, resident screening issues
- In Seattle, criminal background issues
- In Mississippi, Rezone/downzone multifamily from 13-16 units/acre to 10 units/acre. Not only to affect new properties but to be retroactive for existing properties as well. In the courts right now as HUD filed a lawsuit against this. It could be as soon as the end of February that a judgement comes down.
NAA Resources:
Click here for Apartment Industry 2016 Policy Priorities.
Click here for 2016 NMHC and NAA Policy Priorities.