Apartment Online Reputation Class
Conducted by Cathy Hontz, RentPath
is a course that explains the world of your online reputation. With
the onset of social media, review sites are popping up everywhere that
renters can review your properties. We will go over the good, the bad,
and the ugly, and how to improve your reputation without being flagged
by review sites.
Date: Wednesday, April 27
Time: 9:00am - 12pm
Place: BELFOR, 7629 Southrail Road, North Charleston, SC 29420
$40/member, $50/non-member
$40/member, $50/non-member
RSVP by April 22nd to info@ charlestonapartmentassociation .com. All RSVPs are invoiced.
Attending the entire three (3) hour class will result in three (3) continuing education credits for attendees.