Apartment Association
Legislative Pulse
Legislative Pulse
The CAA Legislative Pulse is a monthly newsletter designed to keep Charleston Apartment Association members abreast of topical political news impacting our industry. The CAA Legislative Pulse will be released to members the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Wine Tasting
Benefiting the National Apartment Association's Political Action Committee
A hearty thank you again to the
sponsors, attendees and to Woodfield Long Point for making last month's wine
tasting a success. A special thank you to food and/or wine sponsors:
Ehrlich Pest Control, Rainbow Custom Flooring, Inner Motiva, Edgewater Plantation,
Darby Development, Wendy Tucker, Victoria Cowart, Marysa Raymond, Cathy Hontz,
Ellen Hoffman, Tori Stein, Tony Scruggs, Katie Chapman and silent auction
donors: Ehrlich Pest Control, Carter Haston, Atkinson Pool and Spas,
Furniture Rentals, Furniture Services, Forever Green, eLifespaces, Appliance
Warehouse, Atlantic Palms and the Charleston Home Builders Association.
The event raised $1,700 for NAAPAC
and $375 for the NAA's Better Government Fund (BGF). NAAPAC's goal is to
keep the multifamily rental housing industry at the forefront of
legislation. The impact our industry makes both locally and nationally
starts right here at home with local participation. NAAPAC supports
political leaders and candidates who are advocates and open to learning more
about our industry. Their support is vital when topical legislation is on
the table.
Raffle to Benefit
the National Apartment Association's Political
Action Committee
NAA is $18,000 away from making history. $340,000 has been raised for PAC this year and $142,000 for the Better Government Fund (BGF). That's just $18,000 away from the half million dollar goal. Please join in on this last drive toward the end of an outstanding year. Click here by December 14th to participate and potentially win an iPad3 just in time for the holidays.
Save the Dates:
S.C. Apartment
Association Legislative Day at the State House - February 27, 2013
This is our opportunity for key
leaders to see and meet the faces of our industry, which speaks volumes and
resonates throughout the year as vital industry issues are discussed. We
invite all CAA industry allies to join us. The more Charleston faces seen
the more we'll leave a lasting impact.
Overview: A legislative
program and overview of current legislation affecting the multi-family housing
industry will begin at 9:30am followed by a luncheon with invited legislators
at the State House. The day will conclude by 3pm.
Registration Information: The
cost is $35 per attendee (includes registration & materials, refreshments
and lunch). Registration begins at 9am, with the meeting commencing at
9:30am. Confirmation of registration, map/directions and a detailed
agenda will be emailed to registrants prior to the event. Expect registration
information to follow in the coming months. Click
here for the flyer in PDF format.
NAA Capitol
March 10 - 13, 2013
at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC
In 2012, NAA hosted the most highly
attended Capitol Conference on record, with 525 registered members, a 9 percent
increase over last year's record number. More than 244 NAA members held
162 meetings with U.S. Senators or congressional staff on Lobby Day. Many
other NAA members have either met with or scheduled meetings with their members
of Congress, particularly the House of Representatives, during their
congressional recesses. Expect more conference details to be announced by
NAA soon.
SCE&G Rate Increase
WHAT: Public hearing on South
Carolina Electric & Gas Co.'s rate hike request
NEXT HEARING: 6 p.m. Nov. 27,
at 101 Executive Center Drive, Columbia, SC
South Carolina Electric & Gas
Co. wants to raise electric rates an overall 6.61 percent on its 668,000
customers across the state, a request that comes just over two years after the
Cayce-based utility asked for a nearly 10 percent hike in its electric rates
that was later cut in half.
Rate hike breakdown -
If the rate hike is approved as
proposed, this is how it would be spread across customers:
Residential: 4.85%
Small commercial: 1.36%
Medium commercial: 2.78%
Large commercial: 3.69%
Small commercial: 1.36%
Medium commercial: 2.78%
Large commercial: 3.69%
Current bill -
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