CAA Legislative Pulse is a monthly newsletter designed to keep Charleston
Apartment Association members abreast of topical political news impacting the
industry. The CAA Legislative Pulse is released to members the fourth
Tuesday of each month.
S.C. Apartment
Association Legislative Day
February 27, 2013
SC Statehouse
Join us in Columbia this
February! This is our opportunity for key leaders to see and meet the
faces of our industry, which speaks volumes and resonates throughout the year
as vital industry issues are discussed. We invite all CAA industry allies
to join us. The more Charleston faces in attendance the more we'll leave
a lasting impact.
Overview: A legislative
program and overview of current legislation affecting the multi-family housing
industry will begin at 9:30am followed by a luncheon with legislators at the
State House. The day will conclude by 3pm.
Registration Information: The
cost is $35 per attendee (includes registration & materials, refreshments
and lunch). Registration begins at 9am, with the meeting commencing at
9:30am. Confirmation of registration, map/directions and a detailed
agenda will be emailed to registrants prior to the event. Expect registration
information to follow in the coming weeks. Click
here for the flyer in PDF format.
NAA Capitol
March 10 - 13, 2013
Washington, DC
Capitol Conference is the apartment industry's one opportunity each year to
tell Congress how its actions impact NAA's 60,000 members. The conference
theme for 2013 is "Make an Investment in Advocacy" and will feature
events including nationally known speakers, a legislative briefing, networking
and a newcomers' orientation. In response to feedback, the conference
will offer twice as many advocacy education sessions compared to years
The conference will also aim to arm
attendees with a new economic impact report demonstrating to Congress on Lobby
Day just how the apartment industry has remained a positive economic force
despite the recession and how its size and scope build thriving communities
everywhere. The report is part of a major NAA public relations campaign
launching in early 2013 which includes many new advocacy resources for
affiliates. Conference registration will be available soon and
posted on NAA's website.
The Future of Fannie, Freddie, and
Multifamily Housing Finance
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the
government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), played a crucial counter-cyclical role
during the recession providing liquidity when private capital sources largely
scaled back. The current state of the GSEs, which hold or guarantee about
35 percent of multifamily mortgages in this country, in government
conservatorship is unique and requires a long-term policy solution.
In response to greater focus on
housing finance reform in 2013, the Mortgage Bankers Association's GSE
Multifamily Task Force developed "Ensuring Liquidity and Stability:
The Future of Multifamily Housing Finance and the Government-Sponsored
Enterprises," a white paper detailing proposed framework targeted to
attract greater private capital while providing for a government-backed
insurance program to ensure the market has access to liquidity in all market
conditions. Visit here for more
Multi Family Executive
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